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Feb 14 2013 - The Oppression has Lifted

Acceptance of the messages from spirit of a past life experience, allowing confirmation from every cell in my body has released the deep grief.

I am able to breath...

My work is not done...

I am able to sleep...

The truth about love is this: Love is constant; only the names change. Love doesn't just restrict itself to romantic relationships. Love is everywhere - in the hug of a child, in the concern of a friend, in the center of your family, and in the hearts of your pets.  When you're lost and you can't seem to find love anywhere, your actually listening to live in human language, instead of listening to the language of love.  Love is constant; it is not an emotion.  Karla McLaren.

The love of my child spans many lifetimes, the loss of this child does as well...

I see how I am given many opportunities to learn with soul a new way of being...  

Of releasing control that comes from my need for a certain outcome.

It does not make it any easier...

It points to the work I must do.

I am constantly humbled by this lesson, this journey is a classroom for my soul...

I am but a kindergarden student who is not quite ready to leave pre-school...

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